Project Planning Communication
All projects need to be communicated; the people who will be helping you with the project and people that the project, may affect need to know about it. Think about the types of communication your project will benefit from and include them as tasks in your plan.

Communication Examples
- Project Review Meetings (internally with colleagues and externally with clients)
- Conference/Video calls (internally with colleagues and externally with clients)
- Presentations
- Training Sessions
- Emails/Letters/Faxes
- Reports e.g. reports for the board of directors, reports for your line manager, reports for clients
- Press/Media Releases
Some of the items above will need to be included in your plan whilst others such as e-mails will need to be completed as and when necessary. Regular communication will keep people up to date with your project's progress and any developments. It will also allow you to track task completion and motivate people; if people know that they will be asked about their progress on a certain date and at a certain time, they are more likely to complete their tasks especially if they are asked in a meeting where others are present.